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Free Admission open for Session 2025-26 form Nursery to Class IV (Last Date of Submmited form 31st Jan 2025.) Contact Detail:- 9304601717 , 7491802020 , 7004842126 , 9470928100, 6204010240.

The School is located in the suburbs of Ranchi, nestled in a peaceful, serene locality, congenial for any educational institutional. We follow the “play-way” method of teaching for all round development of our students so that we can imbibe and inculcate in them, the personality required, for being a good human-being first.
          “Education” as we all believe is a life-long process where a person learns all his life. It is here that we inculcate in the students the love and desire for learning so that they can excel in their respective fields and meet the day to day challenges with profound proficiency. We are proud to say that we have reserved a few seats for the physically impaired and the down-trodden children of the society, irrespective of their caste, creed, colour, sex and religion in our admission policy so that every strata of the society is given an opportunity to receive education here without discrimination.
           Very true to our motto “Lobour Reaps Reward” we here at D.A.V Nageshwar , Ranchi are constantly working hard to make our student “Global Citizens” of tomorrow without any boundary barriers and live a live of self-esteem and significance and thus be “a face in the crowd”.

From The Director’s Desk


If we look into our past we will find that “Education is a very powerful tool which has brought many a changes in the world over. It has played a vital role in revolutionizing and bringing a change in the society. Education in the present scenerio should be challenging, informative, structural and job-oriented. Our efficient, experienced and talented team of teachers are working day & night to achieve these objectives to meet the demand of the society.
Our Goal Is :-
i) All round development of the child.

ii) Imbibe and inculcate spiritual and moral values.
iii) Tap the child’s potential to the fullest.
iv) Attain academic proficiency.

From The Principal’s Desk


Education definitely determines the destiny of a nation. Education does not mean bookish knowledge alone or to be ‘well versed’ in academics. To me it means to explore and discover the knowledge within oneself and work on the principle of “one nation one boundary” where the whole human race can live together as one nation in peace and harmony and this civilized society can be achieved only through‘ Education’. Very true to our motto “Labour Reaps Rewards” let us all strive hard to educate our students in the right prospective, so as to generate a qualitative and quantative human capital. 


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